Tag Archives: gear vr

360Fly Virtual Reality Camera at 2016 CES

360FlyScott Ertz interviews Andy Peacock, head of content for 360Fly. The 360Fly is a 360 degree high definition action camera shaped like a ball.

The 360Fly cameras democratize the creation of virtual reality content for virtual reality viewers such as Google Cardboard and the Samsung Gear VR virtual reality viewer.

There are now two versions of the 360Fly, the already available standard HD version that sells for $399.00, and the new 4K version that sells for $499.00. The 4K version should be available by the beginning of Summer.

A couple of helmet manufacturers are also coming out with models that allow the 360Fly cameras to be securely integrated into their helmets. The helmets should also be available by the beginning of Summer.

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