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Sticknfindinhand575If you are like me and put your keys down and then forget where you put them then Stick-n-find may be the device for you. Stick-n-find is a sticker with Bluetooth embedded in it. Stick-n-find is a small device about the size of a quarter and will stay on almost anything you put it on. It comes with a replaceable watch battery which will last about a year. There is a Stick-n-find app for both for both Android and iOS devices that pair with the app.

As you come closer to an item that has a tag on it you will see the indicator getting closer to the target point on the phone. You can also turn on a sound and light indicator through the app so that when you are very near to the device that you looking for the sticker will admit a beeping sound and a small light. Stick-n-find has also added the ability to create a virtual leash. The way the virtual leash works is you create a distance from you that you will allow a sticker to go and if the sticker goes past that distance and alarm will go off in the app. You can also have an alert go off when a sticker gets within a set range.

Stick-n-find was an indiego project The retail price for two stickers should be around forty-nine dollars and it should be available beginning March. To find out more information about Stick-n-find visit their website.

Interview by Andy McCaskey of SDR News and RV News Net.and Interview by Jamie Davis of the MedicCast and the Health Tech Weekly

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