Tag Archives: DMCA

GitHub Reinstated YouTube-dl and will Overhaul DMCA Reviews

GitHub announced that they reinstated youtube-dl after receiving additional information about the project that enabled GitHub to reverse a Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) takedown. As a result, GitHub has created a developer-focused approach that requires specific steps that will be performed before any takedown claim is processed.

TechCrunch reported that in October, the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) sent a DMCA complaint to GitHub over YouTube-dl. The project allowed viewers to download YouTube videos for offline viewing. The RIAA said that this circumvented DRM and promoted the piracy of several popular songs.

As a result, GitHub took down YouTube-dl because platforms like it have to comply with laws. In their blog post, GitHub noted: “DCMA takedown claims based on circumvention are a growing, industry-wide issue for developers with far-reaching implications.” There was also another problem:

Section 1201 dates back to the late 1990s and did not anticipate the various implications it has for software use today. As a result, Section 1201 makes it illegal to use or distribute technology (including source code) that bypasses technical measures that control access or copying of copyrighted works, even if that technology can be used in a way that would not be copyright infringement.

GitHub states that it received information that showed the youtube-dl project does not in fact violate the DMCA’s anticircumvention prohibitions. GitHub concluded that the allegations did not establish a violation of the law. As a result, GitHub reinstated the youtube-dl project.

There is a detailed list of things that GitHub is changing in their effort to overhaul their 1201 claim review process. They are doing this at their own cost and at no cost to the developers who use GitHub.

To me, these changes could prevent the RIAA from having a DMCA takedown request immediately acted upon. It also sounds like the changes enable GitHub to do some investigating about the validity of the RIAA claim before taking action.

GNC-2012-03-05 #747 Early Show

Very early show today as my schedule allowed it. Lots of fun doing the show in the afternoon versus early evening. Enjoy the march continues to show 750.

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GNC #666 My Wife wants What!

The month is winding down, but I could not be happier the team of writers at GNC have been kicking out some pretty awesome content. The refresh of the show formula so far is working and the feedback so far has been positive. I am on the search for existing talent across the new media space. Do you know of a show that is considered to be at the top of the class in their genre? If so I want to talk to them… Big thanks to the Insiders for all their support and of course the Ohana for being part of the show.

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$11.99 – For a New Domain Name cjcfs3geek
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Show Notes:
Finding that Perfect Domain.
Google Garage.
Boost your Brain Power with 9 volt battery!
TomTom has some explaining to do.
** Watch the ESA Video.
X Marks the Spot!
Voyagers in Deep Space!
Endeavor getting built!
Endeavor Facts
Qik Apps Updated.
Tungle purchased by Rim.
PSA Notices now on Seized Domains.
Ukrainians Shut down Adult P2P Site.
P2P Used for Movie Distribution.
Windows 8 Store Settings in Cloud?
Internet oh how far we have come.
New Type of Shovel?
DualLink Sync Cable.
High Speed Camera on the Cheap?
Upload Images into Google Doc Spreadsheets.
Chilling Effects.
Gmail / Outlook Sync Expanded.
Wireless Lockdown?
Custom Gaming Machines by Walmart?
More Free Android Apps over iOS.
Progress off to ISS.
Social Spy.
Copyright Blocks 81 yr old Jazz recordings.
Chrome gets Patched.
LTE Outage.
2028 Computers become Aware?
Amazon Cloud Issues.
Apollo 18 Films?
HP Gets Huge NASA Contract.
Is Part of your Brain Sleeping?
White iPhone.
YouTube Founders buy Delicio.us
Facebook DMCA Broken.
DOJ No more Microsoft Oversight.
Apple iPhone 5 in testing.
Hackers have Playstation Credit Cards?
Microsoft Revenues.
Only 5 Million?
Samsung swings again at Apple.

GNC-2011-03-07 #653 Not the Charlie Sheen Show!

I spend a few moments talking about the technical portions of the Charlie Sheen show on Ustream. Considering the train wreck that happened on their inaugural show on Saturday makes me proud of all the new media creators that produce their own shows, and do so with 50x the professionalism of what I observed Saturday night. I have a new giveaway starting tonight listen to win. This show is action packed from the beginning to the end! Become an Insider or Make a donation to the show to qualify for the contest.

The following Sponsors keep GNC running your support of them is greatly appreciated!
GoDaddy services saves you lot’s of money, check out my Promo Codes Today.
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Show Hotline 24/7 1-619-342-7365 or e-mail geeknews@gmail.com

Listener Links
Shatner wake up call.
Millionaire steals credit card?
Get the BBC iPlayer for 74 Pounds.
Alien Contact made.

Show Notes:
Facebook Comments?
Facebook Comments #2?
Charlie Sheen Social Insanity.
Sheens Korner needs some Production Help.
Motorola Xoom Music App hacked.
Buttons or Touch Screens.
Geek Watch (Must Buy).
Phone 135 years old.
Firefox 4 Looks Amazing.
Hawaii TSA a Joke!
Unban PS3 Hack.
First Amendment vs Copyright Laws.
Scientist Study on Sons Voice.
SMS coming to Facebook?
Jamming Time?
Ten iPad Tips.
Facebook Evil on Advertising?
Tax Apps.
Facebook Saves Boy.
Star Trek Wakes Discovery Crew.
Discovery Leaves ISS.
Can we Get our Groove Back?
Woz on Tech and Education.
6 Things in Space.
What went up did not stay up!
Our First Alien.
New Angle on Saturn.
Supernova back as Video Portal.
Fake MPAA/RIAA notice scams $280K
Fox Double DMCA Takedown (Idiots).
UV Cellphone Cleaner?
Where is your Threshold of Business forgiveness.
Sorenson Squeeze 7.
HP Omni Pro.
Google Responds to Droid Malware.
Robot looks real!
WD buys Hitachi HD Manufacturing.
Samsung 950 Series Pricing.
JVC 3D Consumer Camera Debut.
Microsoft pays a Billion to Nokia!
iTunes Home Sharing Update.
$539 Motorola Xoom.
Awesome Asus Ad.
Are you Really Anonymous.
Firefox 4 Crash Reasons.
Skype Ads.
Speed Test Website update.

GNC-2010-10-29 #622 Feel Like a Ping Pong Ball :)

Just a couple of more days here in Hawaii before I start my extended road trip. Just as my body is getting back on schedule gonna throw it into Jet Lag again. Lots to share tonight, plus a special offer.. Big thank you to all of our Sponsors for supporting the show in October, hope you have had a chance to show your appreciation by trying or buying one of their products or services. Lots in the Tech hopper tonight along with your favorite geek acting like a rookie.

The following Sponsors support GNC your support of them is appreciated!
GoDaddy services saves you money, check out my Promo Codes Today.
Visit gotomeeting.com, click the try it free button & use promo code: Podcast.
Infusionsoft, leader in marketing automation software for businesses see how they can help your Business..

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Check me out @geeknews on Twitter
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My YouTube Channel
Purchase GNC gear from the Ohana Store!
Live Streams Justin.tv / Ustream.TV
Show Hotline 24/7 1-619-342-7365 or e-mail geeknews@gmail.com

Listener Links:
Verizon FIOS Field Trial
Limewire RIP
Foursquare Astronaut Badge.
Android Accessibility?

Show Links:
Flash to HTML5 Tool.
Discovery Team arrives at Cape.
Roku – Netgear Announced.
Watch a Rover get Built.
Electric Car goes 375 Miles at 55mph.
Record Audio and Video within Browser.
Adobe Flash Bug.
Register Blog with DMCA.
Cord Cutter Impacting Comcast.
University of Honolulu Security Breach.
Progress to ISS.
P2P on The Social Network.
Pirate gets $41.40 Fine.
Limewire Replacements.
Mark Cuban on Age and Media Consumption.
Verizon Mobile Plans Pricing Change.
Pacemaker size of Penny.
$25.00 LED Light Bulb.
Microsoft brings in the Cash.
Macbook Air and TSA.
Gimmic Alarm Clock.
Mars Rover Update.
Turntable RIP.
Nintendo first loss in 7 years.
Gmail Mobile looks like an App.
Ultimate Router Battle.
Macbook Air Complaints.
YouTube Hurley steps down.
iPad on sale at Verizon.
Did the Chinese steal this as well?
100 mbps only $75.00
Classic Mario for the Wii.

Send in your stories to geeknews@gmail.com and be sure to provide a link to your websites!

GNC-2010-10-07 #617 6th Year Anniversary

Considering how many shows have quit over the years that were with us in 2004, it is nice to be here and still cranking out the content. Thanks for hanging with me over the past 6 years, it has been a blast, the show continues to grow and that to me is the only sign I really need to know that the formula for the show continues to be working.

The following Sponsors support GNC your support of them is appreciated!
GoDaddy services saves you money, check out my Promo Codes Today.
Visit gotomeeting.com, click the try it free button & use promo code: Podcast.
Infusionsoft, leader in marketing automation software for businesses see how they can help your Business..

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Purchase GNC gear from the Ohana Store!
Live Streams Justin.tv / Ustream.TV
Show Hotline 24/7 1-619-342-7365 or e-mail geeknews@gmail.com

Listener / Viewer Links:
Media Industry Struggles.

Show Links:
Firefox Mobile.
Apple Glassgate?
Berkley Bionics Amazing Stuff!
Android + Skype + 3g + Hack = Beautiful
Home Made Spacecraft.
Verizon 50 Million to Subscribers.
FBI wants stuff back.
You do not want his Name.
Does he really know?
Bit.ly Raises 10 Million
Will Libya revoke .ly domains?
Google TV is not Cheap!
Facebook Groups are Great!
Facebook Groups are Evil!
Why is Jason even complaining about Groups?
The Nightmare Server Admin Situation.
Spotify being shown the Hand?
Is your two yr old online?
Mossberg on MyFord Touch
Todd’s MyLincoln Review!
Patch Tuesday.
22,000 P2P Lawsuits in 2010!
mWomen Program.
BT has to share those pipes!
Adobe + Microsoft = Maybe.
Lock the hacked machines down!
Upgraded Soyuz heads for ISS.
Bio-Engineered Corn.
WMAP Mission Complete.
Patent Approvals.
ASCAP cuts distribution payments.
DMCA Killing Political Ads?
Set Top Box battle.
Venus Atmosphere.
History of Universe.
Apple boots P2P App.
Wifi Available at Fedex Locations again for free!

Send in your stories to geeknews@gmail.com and be sure to provide a link to your websites!

GNC-2010-09-28 #614 Giveaways Galore

This weekend simply crushed me and it hit me like a ton of bricks during the show tonight. Nevertheless the show has to go on. Details in the show and some cool pictures at the bottom of the show notes. Saw the F22 Raptor perform at an airshow this weekend and what an amazing airplane. Two new contest started on tonights show listen to win.

The following Sponsors support GNC your support of them is appreciated!
GoDaddy services saves you money, check out my Promo Codes Today.
GotoMeeting the best Online Conference / Meeting Solution Try GoToMeeting Today!
Infusionsoft, leader in marketing automation software for businesses see how they can help your Business..

Subscribe Today: Audio | Video | iTunes | Zune
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Check me out @geeknews on Twitter
Follow me on Facebook
Geek News Central Facebook Page
My YouTube Channel
Purchase GNC gear from the Ohana Store!
Live Streams Justin.tv / Ustream.TV
Show Hotline 24/7 1-619-342-7365 or e-mail geeknews@gmail.com

Listener / Viewer Links:
XMarks RIP
Google HTML 5 Cheat Sheet
How does this stay online?

Show Links:
What Tablet is on Your Radar?
Gen 2 Apple iPad.
Amazon joins App Party.
Twitter Pay to Follow.
Hulu coming to Roku!
Sony Internet TV?
Live Spaces to WordPress.com
Alien or no Alien Conspiracy on Nukes?
GoDaddy Business Solutions.
Millions and Millions Served.
The Morning Tech Show #3
P2P + Wikipedia + HTML5 = Winner!
Pirate Bay Appeal Tomorrow.
Top 10 Torrents.
Administration wants to Wiretap your Pencil!
Windows Phone Podcast Coming Soon.
False Rumor on Alien Ambassador.
Mars news.
Soyuz on Deck.
DMCA Abuse #1
Are we next?
How the Adult Industry will cash in.
Not good for Sales.
Segway Injury rates.
AMD Fights Back.
Do not Click Linked In Invites.
Privacy Win.
Read The Article again Todd! :(
DMCA Abuse #2
Very Smart Criminals.
AOL to purchase TechCrunch.

Send in your stories to geeknews@gmail.com and be sure to provide a link to your websites!

A couple of Pictures from the 2010 Kaneohe Bay Hawaii Air Show on Saturday!

The Best Flight Demo Team in the World! The Blue Angels!