Tag Archives: Creative Commons

GNC #676 Thank You Sponsors!

Geek News Central Podcast I want to thank all of our Sponsors for staying committed to the show. In may we had our biggest month ever with GoDaddy so I want to say a huge Mahalo to all of our Ohana! If we could do that every month I could hire an assistant immediately so big huge thanks for your support. I have an absolute metric ton of tech content tonight enjoy!!

Support my Show Sponsor: Best Godaddy Promo Codes
$11.99 – For a New Domain Name cjcfs3geek
$6.99 a month Economy Hosting (Free domain, professional email, and SSL certificate for the 1st year.) Promo Code: cjcgeek1h
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Show Notes:
Are people just Stupid?
E-Coli Super Mutant.
PunchTab — See the Rewards Tab at GNC!
Crime Hot Spots.
Go to Twiter and say Sorry 100 times.
SmartView App for SmartTV Users!
Loosing Faith in Sony!
Apple Location Integration.
AT&T 2-3 years behind.
Most Crazy P2P Lawsuit yet!
Sales Tax for all your Net Purchases.
Garmin to track mans best Friend.
Put +1 on Your Website.
A New Way to Film!
Roswell and Area 51 Conspiracy Theories.
Groupon IPO!
Apple to the Cloud?
YouTube CC Sharing Implementation.
Facebook gets the knife out.
No Apple Giveaways to Anybody!
Felony to Stream Copyright media.
Windows 8 Specs.
10 Things about Windows 8.
Time Capsule Refresh.
Apple Malware Battle Royale.
California to Expel for Sexting.
Chinese Teen sells Kidney for iPad2? (WT)
Endeavor Thank you for your Service!

Wylio Searches For Free Pictures For Bloggers

If you have a blog and are always looking for photos to spice up your posts then there’s anew site that you will want to check out.  It’s called Wylio.  It searches millions of creative commons photos to find what you are looking for.  Just use common sense about what you find, as their website states:

“be pragmatic when you decide what photo to use. If it’s painfully obvious that “flickr_user_1234″ isn’t the copyright owner for that Coca-Cola logo they uploaded… don’t use it.”

It’s free to use and sing-up is required.  To get started simply visit the website and enter your search term and see what you find.

Adding a photo is not quite as easy as right-clicking and choosing  “copy image”, though.  Instead, once you have selected your photo, you click the “get the code” button and then paste the code into your blog’s HTML.  It will add links back to the photographer.

This is one of the easier ways to find pictures, but it is NOT the easiest way to add them to a blog.  In fact, it’s downright difficult to get their code to work, at least in WordPress, which is what we use.  It’s a good resource and if you have time to play around then you’ll love it.  If you’re a casual blogger or not particularly tech-savvy then you may want to look elsewhere.