Tag Archives: component

Hauppauge Colossus HD Video Recorder PCI Express Card

Ken Plotkin, the CEO of Hauppage (www.hauppauge.com), describes the Colossus HD H.264 Video Recorder PCI Express card for the PC. The Colossus card is designed to record high definition video from sources such as an X-Box 360, Playstation 3, as well as high definition video coming from a cable TV or satellite box via component video outputs on those devices, thus avoiding the DRM problem. The Colossus HD Video Recorder retails for $169 dollars, available in the first week in February 2011. According to Plotkin, the Colossus is the only recorder solution available that can record high definition video from component video outputs.

Interview by Todd Cochrane of Geek News Central.

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Video Cables Demystified

I know having recently set up an HD system myself, the number of cables that are available in a store can be quite confusing. I did this short video, which will hopefully explain some of the differences between the various cables, and in what order you want to use them. This is just some basic information, for more in depth information I would start with Wikipedia. In the video I mistakenly said that component cables carry analog signals, although this is still true for most consumer grade application. Digital component cables are starting to gain popularity and can carry signals up to 1080p, although HDMI cables still have the advantage of also being able to carry audio.

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