Tag Archives: BPI

GNC-2010-12-16 #635 Monster Show – Weak Voice!

Well the 64,000 question is, will my voice hold out through the 24hr Podcast. It is going to be touch and go… Doc loaded me up with meds yesterday and hopefully they start doing there magic. Back here in Hawaii, I have a monster show for you hope you enjoy it. I will see all of you here at 11am EST on Saturday for the 24hr Podcast. Spread the word on the net we want you here.

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3G/4G Review
AT&T Blocks Linux Configuration.

Show Notes:
Opportunity Making History.
Pressure Check to be Accomplished.
Supernova Relic.
Where in the Universe.
Massive Storm on Saturn.
Linked In App for Android.
Nexus S Jail Broken.
Playstation iPhone and Android App.
Wi-Fi Analysis Tool for your Phone.
Flipboard Updated for Google Reader.
Google Maps Updated for 3d.
Monitor Accessories.
Google Fiber Announcement Next Year.
Rim doing better than Expected.
New Years Eve resolutions assistant Sites.
HTML5 Tool from Microsoft for Firefox.
Amazon Top 20 Christmas Songs.
Vimeo Video Tutorials.
Facebook your next Social TV Guide?
Nice Xbox Headsets.
Personal Accessories.
Quiet Cars to be made Noisy!
AltaVista and Delicious RIP.
More Site Take Downs.
Chumby Phone App.
Soyuz to ISS.
California Carbon Trading?
CR48 Review.
Bing Making Ground.
T-Mobile says they will compete on Data Speeds.
New UFO.
Twitter 200 Million more!
Cyber War?
TPN Weekly.
Online Video Trends.
Opera 11 Now Available.
Stuxnet like Military Strike.
More Record Label crying.
UK 1.2 Billion illegal Media Downloads?
FCC Net Neutrality Issues.
Broadband Pricing Down Worldwide up US.
Virgin Galactic to ISS?
Nike Sues Customer.

GNC-2010-02-04 #549 Off to Windy City!

Midweek show as I head off to Chicago for a weekend of closed door meetings. Will have a lot of juicy stuff for you when I get back. Lots of tech talk tonight in a pretty laid back show. Midweek shows are always a little odd. Share the show with your Geek friends and make sure they know they have a chance to win a iPad on the 2-11-10 show.

Support by these fine sponsors keep the lights on your support is appreciated!
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Video of Show at geeknews.blip.tv
Video of Show at www.youtube.com/user/geeknews
Show Comments please call 1-619-342-7365 or e-mail geeknews@gmail.com

Listener Links:
Subscribe to the Special Media Feed
True Table Power!
Thunderbird 3.0 (Caution Listen to Show)
Need Ubuntu Newbie Site!
Need Blogging 101 Site!

Show Links:
Billy Holly and the Recording Industry!
Did AOL tell Engadget cool down comments?
Professor bared from posting Instructional Videos Online!
Cassini gets Mission Extension!
Big Bang Science gets pretty deep!
Massive Star Found!
HTML5 + SubLime Video?
Progress to ISS!
Is Mark Cuban a Hypocrite?
Mobile Towers going down in India.
Kindle 3 to have Touchscreen!
What supplies do you need for Cyber Attack?
Inside an Intel Factory!
Samsung Green Drive!
No Skype 3g iPhone App?
Sounds like me!
What happens to Landlines when all are VOIP?
Facebook = News Reader?
Twitter New Popup Feature!
No Comments we will see about that!
iPhone OS Updated beware Jailbreakers.
Gimp Single Window Welcome Upgrade!
Teen Blogging down!
Mac Pro performance Issues!
No Twitter for Brokers?
Get your School books on iPad?
Hadron Collider no full Power till 2013?
Australia ISP Win Safe Harbor!
Milky Way Transport Authority!
Canadian CBC Copyright Idiots!
Will BPI pay for ISP Monitoring?

Send in your stories to geeknews@gmail.com and be sure to provide a link to your websites!

GNC-2006-08-18 #197

This show is packed end to end with a lot of content with a special appearance of Chris the two year old who brings the house down. We have a new spokes person for GoDaddy in his segment!

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Listener Links:
Survey on Checking Luggage
Listeners Blog
Sony Patent
Sams Blog

Show Links:
77 Ways to increase Blog Traffic
Web 2.0 List
Blogger Buzz
Wrap Rage
CSS Optimization
Connexion RIP
Jet Powered Scooter
BlueTooth Hub
Patch Tuesday
Cable Debate
Kiko On ebay
RSS Aggregation
China Cell Expansion
Iran smashing sat dishes
Linux pro’s and con’s
Video Sharing Sites
Tower Records?
Motorola Homesight
Lindy HDMI Switch
MPAA Polling
Verizon Fights Pole Sharing
Wiretapping Unconstitutional
Atlantis Launch