Tag Archives: blogs

WordPress Runs Almost Half of the Web’s Top Blogs

Recently a study was released by Pingdom regarding the content management systems (CMS) used by the web’s top blogs and, perhaps not surprisingly, almost half of those sites were powered by WordPress.  48 of the top 100 are using WordPress as their backend system, while Movable Type, the second most used CMS, powers only 7 of the top 100 blogs.

To break the numbers down a bit further, 39 sites were using WordPress and an additional 9 were hosted by WordPress.  In addition, 12 sites used their own custom CMS, Typepad accounted for 8 blogs, and at the bottom end, one was using Tumblr and one was on Diderot.  Gawker sites all run on their own custom software and counts under “Gawker” as opposed to “Custom”.  There is a smattering of Blogger, Drupal, BlogSmith, and others, while 8 blogs declined to answer.  You can check out the chart below to see the full breakdown.

pingdom cms chart

Does The Cloud Have A Dark Side?

Does The Cloud Have A Dark Side?For some time we’ve been hearing about the virtues of cloud-based computing.

Certain functions seem to lend themselves to the cloud. Online word processing, spreadsheets, etc. can seem to make sense in some situations, such as collaborating with others.

In everyday use scenarios, does the cloud really make sense in more traditional private computer-use situations? I contend that it does not.

Right now I’m typing this into Microsoft Word on my MacBook Pro. At the moment I have rather lousy Sprint and Verizon connectivity, even though 12 hours ago at this very same location I had really good connectivity from both. The only thing that changed is the time of day. If I was currently limited to using Google Docs chances are I would be unable to write this. Network demand constantly fluctuates depending on the time of day and location.

Is there enough bandwidth available? With the tsunami of smartphones that are on the immediate horizon, will the carriers be able to keep up with the average five-fold bandwidth demand increase that the average smartphone user pulls from the network? Can carriers keep up with a smartphone-saturated public all trying to pull down data at the same time?

However, for the sake of argument let’s say that mobile Internet connectivity isn’t an issue.

What if the Internet is turned off due to a declared cyber attack and all of your documents are online? What good would the network appliance approach to computing be then?

Can e-books be revised after the fact? If government can simply decide to turn off the Internet, then it’s not that much of a leap to imagine laws and regulations being passed banning certain types of blogs or even books that have been deemed dangerous or seditious. There have already been books sold such as “1984” by Amazon that were deleted from Kindles after the fact by Amazon when it was determined that Amazon didn’t have the legal right to sell it in e-book form. What if instead of banning books, they were simply rewritten to remove the offending parts? What’s to stop instant revision of e-books that have been declared dangerous?

Venture Capitalist Investing In Bloggers

The hand writing has been on the wall for a long time now. People are getting a lot of the content they consume on a daily basis from Bloggers, Podcasters and Video Casters. I think my daily consumption is about 90% from the preceding categories.

One thing I am learning though is that at least on the podcasting side most shows have a small audience of 1000 to 5000 regular listeners. When shows break over the 5000 listener range they really seem to grow pretty rapidly. I am finding a lot of great content these days that is just not getting above the noise level. Content that in many instances is superior to established shows.

The VC’s that are interested in Bloggers, Podcasters are going to have to realize that there is a powerful demographic in all of those micro-audiences, some advertisers have figured it out already and the company that can align those micro-audiences with the sponsors will not need and venture funding. [business2.blogs.com]

The best thing about being a Blogger!

No mater what people will say in reviews on wikipedia or anywhere else the power of a Blog is that you can stand up and spell the facts out as you see them. Their are always two sides to a story in any dispute or even recollections to events and proceedings. It is one of the reasons I use a private blog as a personal journal so that when I need to refer back to a spot in time I have some history on what my emotions and feelings were at the time. Nice to see that I am not the only person that appreciates the power of having a blog and the sheer ability to respond in a public way to point out errors in history. [Rex Hammock]

Blogs also server as a sort of documentary of past events where you can look at the time lines of postings etc.

European Publishers essentially tell Google quit stealing our content!

I know many of you use Google News, personally I have been to the site maybe a dozen times or so over the past year. It seems though that European publishers are getting a little tired of Google making money of the backs of all of their paid staff and thinks they have went to far and are abusing fair use and copyright laws.

Google responded and said hey we don’t put ads on our news site and if you don’t want to be in our news archive all you have to do is ask and we will remove you from the index.

I think what this really boils down to is one or two things Google scours not only traditional news outlets but also blogs and other sources, it is apparent to me that these publishers are scared that they are being replaced. Hate to say this but they already have. [Yahoo]