Tag Archives: adam curry

Reserve Your Todd Cochrane Signature Podcaster Pro Now!

Podcaster ProThis week marks the launch of the Podcaster Pro Indiegogo campaign. I’m sure Todd has mentioned the campaign on the show. But just in case, the Podcaster Pro is a new all-in-one audio production device designed in part by The Podfather himself, Adam Curry:

The Podcaster Pro is a USB Audio device that has been over a decade in the making by Adam Curry. The Podcaster Pro, your laptop, and an XLR mic are all you need to make podcasts that sound like they were recorded in a professional recording studio! The Podcaster Pro brings Mic Preamps, EQ, Compressor, Noise-gate, Mix-minus, and Voice Processing in a single USB device about the size of a hardcover book.

The campaign to make the Podcaster Pro a reality has an ambitious $500,000 funding goal. As of this writing, the campaign has reached 6% of that goal, with just over $32,000 raised. To help entice potential backers to the campaign, the makers of the Podcaster Pro are offering a number of incentives, including a signature line of Podcaster Pro devices.

Each signature model comes with the signature of an influential podcaster laser inscribed into the Podcaster Pro’s casing. Those reserving a signature Podcaster Pro can choose a signature from the likes of Adam Curry, Dan Benjamin, Brian Brushwood, GNC’s own Todd Cochrane, and more. Prices for these special signature edition devices range from $647 to $727 each.

If you’re not interested in owning a Podcaster Pro but would like to contribute to the campaign, you can donate any amount you’d like. At the $33 level, backers get access to Club 33 (a not-so-subtle nod to Adam Curry’s podcast No Agenda), which is described as an exclusive portal to content made by Adam Curry specifically about the Podcaster Pro.

If you’d like to learn more about the Podcaster Pro’s Indiegogo campaign, click the link at the top of this article.

Big App Show For Android

Adam Curry is a clever guy. Back in 2004 he was working on the concept of podcasting. Now he is pioneering smartphone apps.

About 6 months ago, Adam Curry came out with a free iPhone application called “The Big App Show.” Each day, day in and day out, Curry records a new video of himself demonstrating an iPhone app.

The Big App Show is now available for Android. The concept is the same, except with the Android app the apps Curry demonstrates are obviously for Android and are available in the Android Marketplace.

The Big App Show is a very witty app that really takes advantage of the power of Android and iPhones. Curry is adding value by demonstrating the apps right on the screen as he talks rather than giving dry descriptions. He puts out a new app video on both the Android and iPhone platforms every day of the year.

Bravo Adam! I think you are on to something!!!

History Is About To Repeat

I remember it well. Back around October of 2004, I first heard the word “podcast” used on The David Lawrence Show via my XM Satellite Radio. It sounded interesting, and I wrote it down on my driver logbook cover with the idea of looking it up later. I heard David mention it again once or twice over the next few weeks. Finally, in early December of 2004 I finally got around to looking it up. I found Adam Curry’s podcast, realized what it was, and knew that I felt compelled to not only listen to podcasts but get involved as a podcaster myself. This was exactly what I’d been looking for for many years – a wide variety of content that I could choose, download, and control the playback/consumption of on MY terms.

Podcasting took previously-existing elements and applied them with a new twist. MP3 files had already existed for a number of years. Virtually every computer already came with a sound card and had the basic ability to both play back and record audio. Portable MP3 players had been around for a while. Apart from Adam Curry’s and Dave Winer’s contribution of the podcasting concept and making it work, the one key element that suddenly made podcasting viable and actually inevitable was the fact that Internet bandwidth got good enough to make it practical.

Practical is an important key.

We have now passed another important milestone in terms of mobile bandwidth. Mobile bandwidth, while not yet perfect, has improved dramatically in both terms of data delivery and coverage. About three or more years ago I had experimented with streaming audio via my smartphone while driving my truck, and quickly determined that it wasn’t viable. I couldn’t listen long at all before I would lose the stream. No problem, I had plenty of podcasts to listen to.

I’ve been hearing a lot of people talk about Pandora.Com lately, so last week I finally tried the Pandora Android app out on my new Sprint HTC Evo. To my surprise, it worked amazingly well – even in Arizona and the western third of New Mexico along Interstate 40 where Sprint still has 1XRT service. The streaming music sounded great, and the few times it did briefly drop out in a couple of mountainous areas, it automatically reconnected and reestablished the playback stream.

(By the way, a side note – I was surprised to learn that Verizon has NO data card coverage around the Kingman, Arizona area – my Verizon aircard would NOT connect in the Kingman area.)

Streaming radio via the Internet in a moving vehicle is now practical. Smartphones have also reached critical mass to the point where they are really beginning to move into the mainstream. Even though streaming Internet audio has been around for quite a few years at this point, I believe the automotive market for streaming audio is about to open up in a massive way.

Up until this point most people have felt that streaming Internet radio had plateaued or was only going to grow slowly. I believe that improved cell networks along with smartphone proliferation will create a new market for streaming audio services. The automobile has been the traditional stronghold of terrestrial and now satellite radio services. An old kid that’s been around a while suddenly has a big and growing shot at a new lease-on life.

I believe opportunities exist for streaming Internet radio stations that deliver highly specialized content. For us geeks, imagine a 24/7 tech-centric streaming station. The sky really is the limit. The cost of running a streaming station can be very low, so therefore it becomes possible and practical to narrowcast to relatively small audiences.

Podshow gets tough on Blubrry Listed Podcasters!

We have received two request from podcasters that are contracted aka “Owned” by Podshow to have their listing removed off Blubrry.com. Podshow has told them that they cannot be listed on our site as they have classified us as a competitor. This is a pretty amazing admission by Podshow podcasters.

RawVoice the owners of Blubrry.com have always prided ourselves in the fact that we do not lock people into contracts, and that we do not interfere with a podcasters right to list his or her show where they see fit. This action by Podshow management is a very obvious move to limit shows they control exposure and earnings capability.

We have also offered shows that were listed on Blubrry.com that were also a part of Podshow, advertising deals that they never responded to. I have been told that they are not allowed to respond. I have also been told that they have to forward any ad deals straight to the Podshow sales department. It’s to bad in some of these cases that Podshow has apparently refused to allow these podcasters to earn income with other companies that are capable of putting cash in their pockets.

We have given podcasters an opportunity to make money and the Podshow management has apparently told them that not only can they not participate in any ad deals we bring to the table but they also cannot be listed at Blubrry.com

I am not surprised really as I have talked to other vendors that have offered advertising deals to Podshow listed podcasters in which those podcasters were not able to participate because Podshow has them locked into a contract. I just hope that these podcasters are actually making some money with Podshow and not just getting screwed out of the rights to manage their show.

Dave Winer takes a Swing at Apple’s Photocasting RSS Implementation

This morning when I woke up I saw that one of our editors here at Geek News Central had done a great iLife 06 review, and when I went to look at her photocasting page via my Windows machine it said I could not view them as the browser wasn’t supported both Forefox and IE would not load the page.


So I switched over to my Mac Mini, I loaded Firefox and tried to load the page and to my suprise I could not view the page. Finally I had to resort to using Safari and the page loaded and what they have created looks pretty cool. But I kinda of did a are they kidding me routine when it took 4 browsers to get the page to load. What the heck is wrong with Apple? They should have a big ass disclaimer that say Photocasting is limited to Safari browsers on Mac operating system only all others go away!

Then I read Dave’s post on his six month mostly positive experience with a Mac, but what shocked me is how much he paid for it, The system cost him $5500.00 and he is complaing on how slow it is (Dave did that include the monitor cost),
he like many others are no longer willing to be locked into a platform and I think that is a good stance to have.

I will be the first to admit I really like what they have done in Garageband though, for Podcasting that was a definite step in the right direction.

On a side note though it was a interesting revelation that Adam Curry the so called PodFather has switched back to an inexpensive PC to do Podcast recording because of the trouble he has had in production recently [Dave Winer]

Adam Curry has essentially let the cat out of the bag!

It is pretty obvious to me listening to the last weeks worth of Daily Source Code that Adam has let the cat out of the bag on what they are going to be doing in part. First he has a immediate hire of a server guy who can setup a lot of servers and can manage multiple blogs, Second he tells people to start getting their show auditions ready. That to me spells Podcaster Network. Pretty ironic actually.

I have heard through the grapevine that he is cherry picking podcasts and have been presenting contracts that are shall we say restrictive, and locks one into the podshow network. I have not seen one of these contracts but I have heard enough to hope that those that sign it protect their interest and make sure they get paid. Today he asked people to start preparing demo’s that they will go through and decide which shows will make the cut to join their network.

Podcasters need to realize that it is possible to replace your current income with your shows if your are serious enough about it. Don’t sell yourself short, and make sure that any deal you agree to has your best interest in mind. Remember this is not the record industry were you get pennies on the dollar demand your fair share.

My motto remains Podcasters do the work Podcasters get paid, and we are living that motto at Podcast Connect don’t sell yourselves short!