Category Archives: ufo

Astronaut says we are not alone!

Why is it that Astronauts wait till there about 80 to start claiming that we are not alone in the universe and that the US Government has proof of an Alien presence.

The Paradigm Research Group says that the time is right for the Obama administration to fess up and release all existing documents the US has on the UFO’s and Alien presence.

Personally I think it would be cool, but lets say hypothetically that the US Government has proof there is simply no way that they would every do that. People would simply loose there minds and there would be chaos in the streets.

The world population as a whole is not mentally prepared for such a revelation.

The PRG claims they have substantial documentary evidence to push the administration to start opening up. Personally I think this is a bluff if they had the evidence it would already be on the Internet. These folks would not hold back information waiting on the US Government to start talking about it.

But I do find it curious that Mr. Mitchell. who up to this time is highest-profile claimant of alien visitation, holds his doctorate from MIT and has walked on the moon is stepping up and making these claims. I just wish they would come out with something more substantial.

UFO Video that peaked my Interest!

Those of you that have listened to my Podcast know about the two UFO sightings that I have had, that based upon my interpretation where the real deal. Every once in a while a UFO headline or video catches my eye. Thought some of you may enjoy this one that has surfaced on YouTube. The audio is really bad but listen pretty close to the commentary and let me know what you think. [YouTube]

Hacker tries UFO Defense?

In a totally bizarre interview a hacker that is facing extradition to the United States claims that when he hacked into a NASA computer system on a supposed “dial up connection” that he found proof of UFO existence. Well the interview on Wired just gets really weird. One thing for sure when and if he gets extradited to the United States the Insanity defense will work good. [Wired]

Hacker tries UFO Defense?

In a totally bizarre interview a hacker that is facing extradition to the United States claims that when he hacked into a NASA computer system on a supposed “dial up connection” that he found proof of UFO existence. Well the interview on Wired just gets really weird. One thing for sure when and if he gets extradited to the United States the Insanity defense will work good. [Wired]

Flying Human UFO

In another chapter of UFO weirdness their is a new video out, with a sighting in Mexico that has me scratching my head a little. First of all how come people cannot get their act together and record something. With Video cameras all over the place why is every time their is a chance to score some good video it looks like crap.

These types of recording raises my suspicious meter but having seen 2 different things in the past 30 years has me more in the believer category than not. Not to mention some weird stuff my grandmother saw in the 60’s I am hopeful someone will score some video footage that makes sense. [UFO]