Category Archives: techpodcasts

Andy McCaskey, Jeffrey Powers Interview Steve Wozniak at HP Technology Forum 2010

Andy and Steve
Andy and Steve

Andy McCaskey of SDR News and Jeffrey Powers of Geekazine had a rare honor as we got to interview Steve Wozniak – now Chief Scientist over at Fusion IO – a company that works with NAND  memory for high speed / High Capacity storage.

There are two parts to the interview. The first one, Jeffrey talks about Fusion IO, Steve’s role and a how the Segway Polo is going. After switching seats with Andy, something amazing happened. The two just started talking. I couldn’t get the video queued fast enough and they didn’t see the queue in. So, I just hit the button and they continued on.

But what we did get was an amazing conversation about education, the future of technology and Steve Wozniak’s new role.

Part I

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (38.1MB)

Audio Only Version

Part II

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (68.7MB)

Audio Only Version

TechPodcasts Roundtable #51

  • This month’s featured guest will be from Zoho, to provide a 20 minute overview of Zoho Show 2.0 and highlight how it integrates with the other Zoho apps.
  • He also plans to address Zoho’s thoughts on Google Wave, and we might get some time to talk about the SmartTop instant on Linux links to their documents as well.
  • Jeffrey Powers of Geekazine is going to provide an in depth tour of how to use the Aviary on Line audio editor.
  • To participate in the Round Table is very simple, 15 Minutes before we start Simply Click this link! GotoMeeting will load automatically and then you can then choose to either dial in, or participate with a headset via VOIP.

    GotoMeeting is the official sponsor of the Tech Podcasts Round Table you can get a free 30 day trial at techpodcasts

    I don’t have permission to post the video here, so head over to Geekazine or SDRNews to get the uStream feed.

    March Tech Podcast Round Table This Saturday

    I invite you to attend the monthly Tech Podcast Network Round Table

    Saturday March 21, 2009 – 4pm Eastern – 1pm Pacific

    We have three presentations

    • United Plastics – Soundproofing the Home Theater and Podcast Studio
    • O’Reilly School of Technology – Online Certification Programs thru University of Illinois
    • Geekazine Podcast – Jeff Powers Secrets of Microphone Placement and EQ

    Should be a fun event and hope that you will join us for the live event. There will be time for live questions after each segment, and an open mic afterwards to combine the topics with listeners.

    The event will also be streamed live on, on, and

    To participate in the Round Table is very simple, 15 Minutes before we start Simply Click this link!

    GotoMeeting will load automatically and then you can then choose to either dial in, or participate with a headset via VOIP. Mac users will want to tune in as well as GotoMeeting has 100% Mac Support in addition to PC Support

    GotoMeeting is the official sponsor of the Tech Podcasts Round Table you can get a free no credit card required trial at

    Tech Podcast Round Table Saturday July 12th

    A Very Special Tech Podcasts Round Table
    Saturday July 12th
    4pm Eastern 1pm Pacific

    The team at are going to have a very special Tech Podcast Round Table. They will be introducing the new version of GotoMeeting, plus they have 2 terrific speakers.

    The Presenters will be:

    • John Coonen, the head of the Joomla Chicago Users Group, and founder of the JoomlaExpo trade shows will be a guest to talk about Joomla
    • Dan Gebhardt Lead Developer for will be talking about a great product and productivity tool at
    • Todd Cochrane (me) will be presenting the new features of GotoMeeting version 4.0

    To participate in the Round Table is very simple, 15 Minutes before we start Simply Click this link

    GotoMeeting will load automatically and then you can then choose to either dial in, or participate with a headset via VOIP. Mac users will want to tune in as well because my demo of GotoMetting will be done with a Mac. GotoMeeting Version 4 has 100% Mac Support as well as PC Support.

    GotoMeeting is the official sponsor of the Tech Podcasts Round Table you can get a free no credit card required trial at

    Upcoming Tech Podcast Round Table Announcement

    Announcing an Upcoming
    Tech Podcast Round Table
    Saturday Sept 23rd
    1:30 PM Pacific, 4:30 Eastern

    We are finalizing our agenda but we will have a segment on using YouTube and MySpace to promote your podcast, plus a video editing segment. Are you a listener to a Tech Podcast Network show, and have a cool site or product to promote? Send us a e-mail at to get a slot on the show.

    To attend the event a week from Saturday follow the instructions below, please be aware that Windows is required, we encourage all Mac users to tune into Skypecast, and submit questions via the IRC Channel which is available from the main page at

    # 15 min. before event starts, click this the link listed in the e-mail or click here and let the GoToMeeting software install. The actual meeting code is 605-156-082

    # The Dial in Number is 563-843-7500 when you connect enter passcode 727-159-597 we ask that once the meeting has started you mute yourself by pressing 6 when we open up the floor for questions you can press 6 again to unmute yourself this will reduce feedback.

    # International callers or those wanting to save long distance charges can join our live Skypecast as well!