Flattr Plus Seeks to Revolutionize Web Monetization

Flattr Plus logoOne of the most common ways for websites to generate income is to post ads. Today, many people use ad blockers so they won’t be annoyed by all those ads. Flattr Plus provides a way for people to support their favorite websites and use an ad blocker at the same time.

Flattr Plus, which is currently in beta, was created by Flattr and Ad Block Plus. It is expected to launch at the end of this month. In short, Flattr Plus gives people an automated way to make micropayments that support the creators of the web content that the person engages with the most. You set a budget, and Flattr Plus’s algorithm automatically distributes the right amounts to the right sites.

According to E-Commerce Times, Adblock Plus and Flattr together get 10% of what is donated. It also reported that consumers need to provide a method of payment and specify how much they are willing to contribute to their favorite sites. A person can choose to make one-off donations or regular payments.

Flattr Plus solves the problems with existing micropayment solutions. In previous micropayment schemes, users had to manually fund single articles. The Flattr Plus algorithm automates that process.

Flattr Plus has information for publishers (or content creators). It states that the algorithm ensures that payments will be based on actual engagement with a website rather than just visits. Flattr Plus will work with all publishers and content creators who already have Flattr.

Flattr Plus has a really cute video that explains why it is needed.