Intel Brought a Segway Robot to CES 2016

IntelThose of us who have dreamed about having our very own robot probably didn’t imagine that it would roll along like a Segway. Intel has teamed up with Segway to reimagine the Segway in the robotic world.

Nakia spoke with Platform Architect for Intel, Han Heng Jeun, at the Intel Real Sense Technology Section at CES 2016. They talked about the unique personal robot assistant that was on display.

The robot has two main functions. One is that it can transform into an SPV (Special Purpose Vehicle) that you can ride. The robot has a Segway as its base. People can step onto it and ride around. When a person no longer needs the robot to be an SPV, it can be transformed back into robot mode.

The robot uses the Intel RealSense RGB-D camera to enable depth sensing. This helps it to do real time 3D mapping that it will use to navigate a room. It also has a microphone array that allows you to send voice command to the Segway robot from anywhere in the room. It can be programed to understand a command like “follow me”.

The robot has an open SDK on Android platform that developers can use create cool new things that the personal assistant Segway robot can do. They will launch the platform and SDK to makers and developers in the second quarter of 2016.

Nakia Mann is a video host who specializes in covering live events for Plughitz Live.

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