The Automotive Future by Valeo

Valeo LogoFew outside of the automotive industry will have heard of Valeo but the company is one of the world’s leading suppliers to car manufacturers, with over 78,000 employees in 29 countries and nearly $14 billion in sales. Customers include Audi, BMW, Mercedes, Nissan, Hyundai and Aston Martin, to name but a few. Jamie chats with Guillaume Devauchelle, VP Valeo, to understand the automotive industry’s direction of travel.

While autonomous cars are stealing the headlines on nearly a daily basis, the reality is that a self-driving car isn’t going to be bought off the dealer forecourt overnight. It’s going to be a gradual introduction of technology over time, each taking a step towards the final goal. Cruise control has been standard for years, and adaptive cruise control with lane departure warning is available on high-end vehicles now. Imagine the next step will be autonomous driving on freeways to prove the technology. Then the self-drive will work with two way traffic, pedestrians and cyclists, and in a final leap, driverless cars will be permitted.

Interview by Jamie Davis of Health Tech Weekly for the TechPodcast Network.

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