Datavideo Delivers for Video Producers


The Datavideo Corporation produces a wide range of gear for the audiovisual professional including all the equipment needed for live production, from cameras to switchers and encoders. The Gadget Professor takes a keen interest and interviews Craig Moffat from Datavideo on its own brand products.

Although Todd at GNC broadcasts out of a real studio, some of the independent producers use virtual sets to make the presenter appear in newsroom or similar. It’s a step beyond the well known “green screen” as the whole environment is reproduced, not just the patch behind the presenter. Datavideo’s TVS-1000 Virtual Studio provides a virtual set for one camera at $5,995 and is aimed at the school and education markets.

For those out-and-about, the portable HS-2200 Studio in a Box might be of more interest. With 2 HDMI and 6 HD-SDI inputs it can handle multiple cameras and additional extras, such DVR storage, can increase the functionality of the unit. Cost is around $7,000. There’s plenty more in the video.

Interview by Don Baine, the Gadget Professor. There’s some comedy gold in the background from 7’40” onwards…I think it might be Todd’s mother…

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