Several weeks ago we received an iPod Shuffle from the folks at Underwater Audio. They included with the Shuffle a set of swimbuds that athletes use in pools and ocean. They asked us to stress test the durability of their Waterproofing. I had the perfect event to test just how WaterProofed this iPod Shuffle was.
My Daughter was competing in what is known as Warrior Challenge. It is 3 days of swimming, running and muddy obstacle courses. I told her to load the shuffle up with her favorite jams, and put this thing through the torture test. Well two weeks later and I cannot get the iPod shuffle back.
The iPod shuffle survived the Warrior Challenge, and now has been with her in the pool daily for the past couple of weeks. She is practicing for an upcoming ocean lifeguard test. As I sit here tonight testing the device, with the included swimbuds, there is no degraded functionality it works as if it was brand new out of the box. So far it has been exposed to the open ocean salt water, fresh water pools. I did ask my daughter to rinse it with fresh water each day after use. Not that I think it makes a difference.
If your into water sports, this will likely be the best $149 you spend this year. Both of my boys are active in water sports here and now want there own. Visit today.