The new version of the Google search algorithm is called “Hummingbird”. It has already been released. For whatever reason, Google decided not to make a specific announcement about the release of the new algorithm before switching over to it. For good or ill, it has already affected how your blog is placed in order of the results that appear whenever someone does a Google search.
The purpose of Hummingbird is, in short, to keep up with how people use the internet. Many people will type an entire phrase into the search engine, instead of just one word, when they are looking for information about something.
This means that the algorithm has to “understand” the entire meaning of each word in the phrase, and how they relate to each other. Once it “gets” what you are looking for, it can show you websites that match what you are hoping to find. Things have gotten too complex for a “Boolean” type of search system.
In other words, “Hummingbird” has been designed to give us better results when we do a Google search. This is because it is going to “get” the meaning and context of what you typed in the search engine.
Overall, I see this as a good thing. My hope is that this will bring the blogs, articles, and websites that have the best content (based upon your query) to the top of the list. I cannot help but wonder if the blogs that have been crafted in ways that were designed around SEO, but that lack quality content, will notice a drop in their page clicks soon as a result of Hummingbird.
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RT @GeekNews: Google Quietly Released Hummingbird: The new version of the Google search algorithm is called “H…
RT @scays: Google Quietly Released Hummingbird » Geek News Central #google #hummingbird via @geeknews
Google Quietly Released Hummingbird » Geek News Central #google #hummingbird via @geeknews
Google Quietly Released Hummingbird
Google Quietly Released Hummingbird #geek
RT @GeekNews: Google Quietly Released Hummingbird: The new version of the Google search algorithm is called “H…
RT @GeekNews: Google Quietly Released Hummingbird: The new version of the Google search algorithm is called “H…