At the end of yesterday, July 1, the bell tolled for Google Reader. While it was a sad moment, many alternatives exist.Granted, most of us wish we did not have to move to them, but that is the grim future we must all face.
A brief visit to the web site displays a dire message that customers have been dreading for sometime — the search giant informs its loyal followers that “Google Reader has been discontinued. We want to thank all our loyal fans. We understand you may not agree with this decision, but we hope you’ll come to love these alternatives as much as you loved Reader”.
The company then goes on to link to alternative services. Feedly tops the list, though The Old Reader, Newsblur and many other make the list of approved apps. Some, such as Flipboard and Feed Demon are listed, but failed so far to get the Google Seal of Approval.
Google also attempts to avoid confrontation by posting the answers to questions it anticipates will be asked:
Reader is dead, Google points out alternatives – Geek News Central