Glympse Safely Lets You Share Your Location While Driving

We have all had this happen at one time or another. You are in your car, driving towards you destination, and are running late. Wouldn’t it be great if you could easily let your co-workers know where you are at, without having to pick up your phone?

Glympse allows you to do exactly that. They have created the first location-sharing app for Ford Motor Company’s SYNC in-car connectivity system. It uses the AppLink interface. Drivers use simple voice commands to activate the app and send a Glympse to their worried co-workers or family members. Ford announced this at CES 2013.

It is very easy to use. Press the SYNC voice button on your steering wheel. Say “Send Glympse”. The app will talk you through the rest. You will need the Glympse app installed on an iOS or Android-based smartphone. Your car will automatically recognizes the app when your phone is Bluetooth-paired or USB-connected. You can send a Glympse to your friend’s email, mobile number, Facebook, or Twitter.

When your friend, or co-worker, gets a Glympse from you, it will show him exactly where you are at. He can monitor your vehicle’s process, and estimated time of arrival, via a real-time dynamic map. After the user-defined time limit expires, the location is no longer updated.

This article written @ and if seen anyplace else has been illegally re-posted.

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