Infographic: The Tech World in 60 Seconds

A couple of days ago I stumbled across a new infographic (something I have a weakness for) that displayed some mind-boggling information about the tech world around us.  We know how fast things move in today’s world, but the numbers put forth here are simply staggering.  What happens in 60 seconds couldn’t have been envisioned by even the most imaginative sci-fi writer from the past.

Here are just a few statistics of a typical 60 seconds in today’s world.  1,820 TB of data is created.  More than 950 purchases are made on Ebay.  Google made $75,000.  11 Xbox 360’s are sold.  81 iPad’s are sold.

Those are just a few of the numbers depicted.  If you love statistics then you will love perusing this infographic, which is courtesy of Go Gulf Design.  You can check it out below, and click to enlarge it.

60 seconds infographic