If you have never installed the Amazon App Store on your Android then let me give you one compelling reason why you should – every single day, 7 days a week, they give away a paid app for free. Usually the apps are regularly priced in the $1-3 range and often they are games, but nobody says you have to download every one. Sometimes you will find something you really want, and sometimes you didn’t know you wanted it until then because you hadn’t heard of it before.
Today’s free app is one of the better offerings I have seen from the “free app of the day”. It’s called PrinterShare and it’s regularly priced at $12.95. It allows you to print from your device to any network or PC-connected printer on your network via WiFi or Bluetooth. With the PrintShare app installed on your computer you can even print from a remote location.
If you are interested then you better hurry, because the free app will change again at midnight. You can read more about it and view screenshots over at Amazon.