Android 2.3 Coming to Droid Pro, Droid 2, and Droid X

If you are a user of the Droid Pro or Droid Global and have had problems with corporate sync, the Motorola has a fix rolling out for you – it’s called Android 2.2 Gingerbread.  According the Motorola’s own support forums a company rep has stated that the problem will be fixed with the upcoming Gingerbread update.  The post, made May 23 at 4:49 pm has since been edited.  Here is the original:

A test version has already been rolled out to a few lucky Droid X users (I am not one of them).  That means it’s likely that it will be the first to receive the update, perhaps as early as May 26th, according to other rumors floating around.  We have also heard that the Droid X Gingerbread build has been approved by Verizon.  The other devices will likely be close behind.

After Verizon rejected Motorola’s first build it looks likely, providing testing goes well, that it will be a go this time.  As soon as it hits we will have screenshots and and update right here.

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