GNC-2011-01-27 #643 Really Back in the Swing!

I need a clone, but who doesn’t! I have a mother load of content that I cover at a very serious pace. Your Geek is back in the swing of things, and feeling much better with the voice box on the mend. We are accepting underwriters to the show, listen for details this is significantly discounted rate over standard ad rates for the show. We have an Ohana member that is in need of new employment I give some details in the show tonight on that as well.

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Show Notes:
Snoop and Pay!
No Tweeting Allowed!
NY Times to Open up Spy Site?
Porn Strong Arm Tactics?
SourceForge under attack?
Sails open up!
Follow NanoSaild
Thomas Edison 100yr Predicitions.
Redbox Day 1 Releases?
Netflix and Apple TV.
FCC and Wireless Space.
E Commerce Dept Password Initiative.
Netflix Speed Test!
Get your News Big with PostPost.
Linkedin IPO?
Cocktail Mixer.
Taco Bell sets Story Correct!
Catapult for Weed.
Shelf for your TV.
Block Tool for Twitter.
A New Window Scraper.
The State of the Internet.
Trim those PDF Files.
Deal of the Day.
Airplane Wing USB Sticks.
3 Inch Toy Gun and Airport Security.
Firefox Update is Close!
Hulu to Pull back Offerings?
Necktie Machine.
Negatives to Digital Picture Converter.
SoundBite first hearing aid you could swallow.
Google Blocks Search results and starts censoring.
MPAA Stronger that Law Enforcement?
300 Million Windows 7 Machines.
Don’t Let Mobile control payment by phone!
Emoticon USB Gadget.
Shredable Oiled Paper!
Clocks for the boys.
Tiltview for cord cutters.
Year of Connected TVs?
Amazon – eBay heads up Shopping.
Socal mall Tracks your Car?
Ford Intelligent Cars.
Jet Powered Water Cannon?
Skype 5.0 for Mac.
New offerings from OWC.

About Todd Cochrane

Todd Cochrane is the Founder of Geek News Central and host of the Geek News Central Podcast. He is a Podcast Hall of Fame Inductee and was one of the very first podcasters in 2004. He wrote the first book on podcasting, and did many of the early Podcast Advertising deals in the podcasting space. He does two other podcasts in addition to Geek News Central. The New Media Show and Podcast Legends.