Dell Has Great Deals On Mobile Phones

Until I received an ad in my email today it escaped me that Dell sold mobile phones.  Sure I knew they made a couple of them and logically they would sell those, but not a whole line of phones from other manufacturers.  And they have good prices too…really good prices.

The revelation came in the form of an email ad for the HTC Droid Incredible, which they are offering right now for free.  My contract was up a couple of weeks ago and I’ve been searching around for deals.  Mostly I am looking at the Motorola Droid X and the Samsung Fascinate.  I can get the Fascinate from Amazon for $99.  It would only be $29 if I had an individual plan as opposed to our family plan.  Dell offers if for free for new accounts and is also $99 for existing accounts (individual or family).  That’s comparable to the Amazon pricing.

What blew me away, though, was their pricing on the Motorola Droid X.  The Droid X is $49.99 for me and a stunning $9.99 for new accounts!

They carry phones from all manufacturers and for all carriers.  In addition to Dell’s own phones, there are phones from Blackberry, HTC, LG, Motorola, Nokia, Palm, Samsung, Sanyo, and Sony Ericsson.  And, they are working with Verizon, AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile, and Nextel.

You will have to search around a little and make sure you are looking at the price for your situation – New Account, Renew/Upgrade, or Add a Line.  But you can find some REALLY good deals on just about any phone you could want.  Except, of course, the iPhone.