GNC-2010-09-21 #612 Go Ivi Go!

We knew this was coming, Ivi is in a battle for their survival. I am going to do my best to do a interview with their CEO this week to have available on the The Morning Tech Show. I am at a turning point with the Podcast Awards, info in todays show, plus how your host is operating with a scratched eyeball all that and more in the show.

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Global Internet Treaty.
Classic Jobs.

Show Links:
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Point your phone at Planes.
No Digging in the Sand.
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Google Docs Editing on Android and iPad shortly.
Why the change at GNC. Stats are Like a Bikini.
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4chan and DDOS.
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Scribd Bait and Switch.
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Ivi in fight for survival.
Will Sat Based Stars go Internet Only?
Crazy Bill Introduced in Congress.
Nice try AT&T.
Adobe Air for Android Pending.
Correction NewsWeek in Business?

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About Todd Cochrane

Todd Cochrane is the Founder of Geek News Central and host of the Geek News Central Podcast. He is a Podcast Hall of Fame Inductee and was one of the very first podcasters in 2004. He wrote the first book on podcasting, and did many of the early Podcast Advertising deals in the podcasting space. He does two other podcasts in addition to Geek News Central. The New Media Show and Podcast Legends.