This coming Saturday we are having a conference call with all the team members from on our CES 2011 game plan. In 2010 the team published over 130 Interviews and put up hours of secondary content. That content literally reached millions of people.
The team footprint is growing again in 2011, with our overwhelming success of the live shows from the NBC Universal booth we are going to be doing a lot more live in 2011. Do you have a streaming backpack and want to get some major coverage email me!
As in years past we are on the search for 4-5 sponsors. CES content is the gift that keeps on giving. We are still getting 10’s of thousands of views on the videos we shot in 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005.
Sponsors like Hitachi, GoDaddy, GotoAssist continue to rack up ROI on their past year sponsorships. 2011’s sponsor will be getting nearly round the clock exposure +++. Email me if you are interested in what we have to offer.
We are still 170+ days away from CES 2011 but it’s just around the corner!