I feel very fortunate that when I wear my RawVoice hat, and work on the behalf of the 5300+ podcasters that are part of our communities that I know we are making a big difference in content creator’s lives, because my team is helping a large number of them get paid for their hard work.
Every quarter I scour our network for shows that will fit into advertising campaigns that we will be executing. Often times I find a show that fits into a campaign that could be making a lot of money, only to have to scratch them off my invite list because they have failed to do a couple of things that would put them on the road to making some serious cash.
My team is working to enlighten the folks that are part of our communities in what simple steps need to be taken to ensure a paycheck for their shows.
For those that are not part of our communities, membership is free and there is no obligation to take advertising but at the rate we are going you have a good chance of making some serious bank if your show fits into ad deals we have signed. Don’t worry you can keep hosting your show as you are now, all we want to do is help you take your show to the next level.
Check out the simple details of how your podcast can become profitable.