The Transition to WordPress Update

I wanted to update everyone just a few days into the transition from Movable Type to WordPress.

  1. The web based editor has been the hardest to get used to. I like some of the things it does but I absolutley hate that it will not single line space in visual mode. I have to switch it to HTML mode to get the editor to behave correctly.
  2. Commenting is way up. The piece of crap commenting authentication system MovableType has is simply horrible.
  3. Website traffic is noticeably up.  Based on what we are seeing from Google the page updates have taken and this has resulted in better indexing thus traffic is up 25%
  4. I am still having challenges in external editors getting the tags to work correctly when posting externally. If someone has the secret sauce setting to Blogjet let me know.

So I guess you can say thus far I am a happy camper.  I am watching to see if we get a bounce in pagerank for cleaning up the duplicate content that was on the old site, only time will tell there but if we get a bounce then I will be pretty pumped.

About Todd Cochrane

Todd Cochrane is the Founder of Geek News Central and host of the Geek News Central Podcast. He is a Podcast Hall of Fame Inductee and was one of the very first podcasters in 2004. He wrote the first book on podcasting, and did many of the early Podcast Advertising deals in the podcasting space. He does two other podcasts in addition to Geek News Central. The New Media Show and Podcast Legends.

3 thoughts on “The Transition to WordPress Update

  1. Having just done my first post under the new WP I found it a good experience as well. I was using the web portal on MT and the WP one is MUCH better.

    Some of the imported stories seem to have gotten the wrong author. I have only looked back a little way, but all of mine seem to now be listed as Todd and I seem to have credit for Susabelle’s.

  2. As a contributing editor, YAY on the new format! I’m still figuring out the posting stuff, couldn’t find the keywords or category sections the first couple of posts but I have that figured out now (not that I was ever any good at those before). I also love the new, easy commenting, it means more people can comment readily on content, rather than having to wait for approval after signing in to a site that refuses to be “remembered.” It was one of my big annoyances as well.

    Thanks for the hard work on the new site, it rocks!

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