As expected Podshow claimed it was a bug, and fixed it, but my opinion stands, if it was a bug it was pretty big deliberate programing bug you just don’t strip and replace data with out writing some lines of code to do that. But they did the right thing and made the change.
Post Updated.
I found your feed via Podshow several months ago and am a faithful listener. I have never had any trouble with getting your direct feed nor was I ever given the impression that Podshow controlled it.
I really like your show. It’s the one that I listen to first after updating podcasts, and I usually agree with you, but this time I do think you might have been hasty in your judgment of Podshow’s motives. (not that I disagree with your aggravation about what was changed…)
I was looking at the feed changes and it seems like something that was appended at the end for internal purposes and not intentional hijacks. This is something I’m sensitive to this week since my site was hijacked by an idjut hacker Tuesday/Wednesday, and I just don’t have the impression that it’s the case here.
Anyway, agree or disagree, I really enjoy your show and plan to keep on listening, Podshow feed or not. :)
From what I understand it’s for caching purposes which means I will never see those stats which means I lose advertising money. Thanks Podshow.
From what I understand it’s for caching purposes which means I will never see those stats which means I lose advertising money. Thanks Podshow.
They fixed the link all right, but the other feed is still valid. So what are they going to do with that other feed?