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Where is the web headed today. From the perspective of a venture capitalist you would would think that if your company is not being innovative in creating segmented content, allowing it to be freely distributed and at the same time giving people a way to rank that information you may want to reconsider your objectives and goals of any projects you working on.

I am pretty happy that we cover at least 2 of the 3 items on the list on our project at podcasternews.com and will be looking at how we can make sure we have the third item covered. The question I have to ask myself how much of a strain will I put on the developers to make it happen. [avc.blogs.com]

About Todd Cochrane

Todd Cochrane is the Founder of Geek News Central and host of the Geek News Central Podcast. He is a Podcast Hall of Fame Inductee and was one of the very first podcasters in 2004. He wrote the first book on podcasting, and did many of the early Podcast Advertising deals in the podcasting space. He does two other podcasts in addition to Geek News Central. The New Media Show and Podcast Legends.